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IV Therapy


Boost Your System

Our goal is to help you live a happier, healthier and more energetic life. Whether you are looking for an energy boost, nutrition boost or need help with your treatment-resistant depression, we can help. We administer our infusions in a friendly, warm and most importantly…a safe environment.
Our goal is to help you live a happier, healthier and more energetic life. Whether you are looking for an energy boost, nutrition boost or need help with your treatment-resistant depression, we can help. We administer our infusions in a friendly, warm and most importantly…a safe environment.

Types of Infusion Therapy


1. Hydration

The symptoms of dehydration can be mild, moderate or severe, and can also be caused by an acute illness like pneumonia.
Treatment of illnesses like the COVID-19 infection are mainly supportive, and recommend that patients are adequately hydrated. Other illnesses which manifest with vomiting, fever, and diarrhea can also result in dehydration. Electrolyte imbalance is a common consequence of dehydration. A lack of electrolytes can result in body weakness, tremors, dizziness, and other neurologic manifestations. Fluids like Ringer’s lactate contain minerals like chloride, potassium and sodium, which can help to recover lost electrolytes.In hospital settings and especially in emergency rooms, intravenous fluids that contain saline solutions are often used to help with dehydration. Volume depletion results in shock – a condition where there is not enough fluids circulating in the body. As a result, blood pressure goes below what is considered normal and vital organs do not receive sufficient amounts of blood. A person who is severely dehydrated would suffer from these signs, and would require IV hydration to quickly improve their condition.
Some signs and symptoms of dehydration include:
• Thirst
• Weakness
• Dry mouth
• Sunken eyeballs
• Dizziness
Oliguria, a lack of urine output for more than 6 hours (Considered a serious sign of dehydration and may prompt hospital admission)
If you have mild to moderate dehydration due to intense physical activity, stress, or excessive alcohol, you can receive IV hydration therapy from either a hospital setting or an infusion clinic. Aside from replenishing electrolytes and B-complex, the infusions we offer can be customized by adding Toradol for headaches, and Zofran for nausea.


2. Nutrient Infusions

One of the oldest, well-known and well-studied nutrient infusions is the Myers’ Cocktail.
Dr. Myers had several patients whose conditions improved from his nutrient infusions, hence how it got its name. The Myers’ Cocktail is composed of IV fluid with magnesium chloride, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B complex, calcium gluconate, and diluted hydrochloric acid.
This cocktail is used to manage everything from asthma, migraines, fatigue, and muscle spasms, to respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, and allergic rhinitis. There have also been cases where hyperthyroidism, dysmenorrhea, urticaria and angina improved due to the use of Myers’ Cocktail. Patients who had no other diseases but received this nutrient infusion therapy reported overall health improvement after some time.
Its health improvement has a scientific basis. Vitamin C that is taken orally will only provide up to 25% of the initial dose you took in. As a result, the full antiviral concentrations of Vitamin C (10-15mg/dl) can only be achievable if taken intravenously.
As well, magnesium supplements taken by mouth do not exert significant plasma changes, but if given intravenously, can exert pharmacological effects. Simply put, nutrient infusions work better than taking medications by mouth, because it increases the availability of the vitamins and minerals in your body.

IV Nutrients Infusions are a great way give yourself a nutrient boost straight to the system.


3. Vitamin Infusions

Vitamin deficiencies are not rare and can be a consequence of a medical condition, or a side effect from taking medication. It can also occur as part of the natural aging process.
For example, Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is important in DNA and RNA synthesis. It is essential in the production of red blood cells, hence its deficiency can cause a form of anemia.
Some causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency include:
• A vegan diet
• Being over the age of 60
• Chronic use of antacids
• Intake of metformin
• Problems with absorption
As we grow older, our bodies become inefficient at producing Vitamin D. Besides the elderly patients with chronic kidney disease can also suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. Even if you don’t have a specific vitamin deficiency, vitamin infusions are useful for improving your overall health, as stressful situations are associated with lowering vitamin levels.
Some studies have explored the effects of specific vitamin infusions and provided Vitamin D supplementation for patients with knee osteoarthritis. After the trial, researchers noted significant improvement in the physical performance and quality of life of these patients. Vitamin C infusions have also been used by medical oncologists to lower inflammation and combat the side effects of certain types of cancer treatments (Klimant et al, 2018).
Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Vitamin C infusions are also available.


4. Aesthetic/Cosmetic

Another popular reason people undergo infusion therapy is for it’s cosmetic benefits. In addition to making you feel healthy and rejuvenated, it also makes you look good.

One specific type of infusion therapy is known as glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally present in our bodies. Its volume levels decline from factors such as poor nutrition, toxins from the environment, age, and stress.
Intake of glutathione through oral means has variable and inconsistent effects. This is because the digestion and absorption of glutathione is affected by many factors during the digestion process. As a result, glutathione infusions may be a better option if you’re looking for maximum results.
Some of the benefits of glutathione include reducing skin wrinkles and improving skin elasticity. In some countries, it is used as a whitening agent due to its antimelagonesis properties, which can whiten dark spots and even out skin color.
Vitamin C has many health benefits such as boosting your immune system. However, not many people know that it also plays an important role regarding skin health. Vitamin C promotes synthesis of collagen, a major structural component of the skin. Additionally, it also acts as an antioxidant that combats ultraviolet skin damage.


5. Medical Conditions


Nutrient and vitamin infusions can also be used for combating sinusitis, allergies, and fibromyalgia.

For certain conditions, most infusion clinics also offer intravenous medications as an alternative option, such as toradol infusions for quick relief of migraine attacks. Other conditions like depression, PTSD, and chronic pain can be improved dramatically with ketamine infusions.


For hypertension, IV magnesium is quite effective. For diabetics, you can opt for alpha lipoic acid infusions – a type of infusion that contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can increase insulin sensitivity. It can also be used for the management of diabetic symptoms such as neuropathy and retinopathy.


Are there Risks to IV Therapy?

The first step to undergo infusion therapy is needle insertion. As needles can carry bacteria and viruses, you are always at risk of infection every time you have an IV inserted into your veins. Thus, it is very important that this procedure is done by a medically trained healthcare professional. As long as IV insertion is done properly and within a clean environment, the risk of infection is very low. 

People with specific conditions – such as chronic kidney disease or cancer should consult with their physician before receiving infusion therapy. Patients do not have adequate urine output in the later stages of chronic kidney disease, which prevents vitamins and nutrients from being adequately eliminated. As a result, fluid overload and heart failure is a high risk for people with chronic kidney disease and specific heart conditions.

Most clinics require a thorough medical history and physical examination prior to performing an infusion. Many of the risks associated with infusion therapy are minimized when done in a controlled clinical setting. By monitoring your symptoms and the infusion rate, primary care providers can prevent disasters from  occurring.

Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.



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